Deep Rock Galactic: Where’s the Update?

Players in the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit are eagerly awaiting an update but seem to be clueless about its release date.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit are eagerly awaiting an update but seem to be clueless about its release date.


  • Confusion over update release date
  • Frustration with delayed content
  • Suggestions on troubleshooting

Players’ Disappointment

Many players expressed frustration over the delayed update, with some resorting to troubleshooting steps like checking for updates and rebooting their consoles multiple times to no avail.

Mixed Messages

Confusion arose from conflicting comments speculating on the release date, with some saying it would come out soon while others believed it was scheduled for a later date, adding to the frustration.

Community Support

Despite the disappointment, players in the community offered support and reassurance to each other as they waited for the update, sharing tips and tricks to keep each other entertained in the meantime.

Overall, the Deep Rock Galactic community’s anticipation for the update showcases their dedication to the game and their eagerness for new content. While the uncertainty surrounding the release date sparked some frustration, the camaraderie and support within the community illustrate the strong bond players share over their love for the game.