Deep Rock Galactic: Will We Ever Get Overclocks on the Special Equipment?

Exploring the possibility of overclocks on special equipment in Deep Rock Galactic and gauging player sentiments on customization.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are buzzing with ideas about overclocks on special equipment. Rumblings about the viability of customizable utility options are met with both enthusiasm and skepticism from the community. Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Players are divided on the implementation of overclocks for special equipment in Deep Rock Galactic, with concerns about disrupting team synergy.
  • Some suggest prioritizing cosmetics over utility customization.
  • Developers’ perspectives on the issue hint at a potential interest in adding new features like armors or cosmetics.

Debating Utility Customization

While some players yearn for the ability to enhance tools like drills and ziplines, others argue that introducing overclocks could lead to imbalance and conflicts within teams. The fear of a dominant meta loadout overshadowing teamwork dynamics prevails in these conversations.

Cosmetics vs. Functionality

Several voices in the community advocate for focusing on cosmetic additions before delving into utility modifications. This shift in priorities reflects a desire for personalizing the appearance of equipment rather than altering its functionality.

Developer Insights & Future Expectations

GSG’s interest in exploring new avenues for player customization, particularly in the form of armors and cosmetics, hints at potential updates to the game’s visual aspect. While overclocks on special equipment remain a point of contention, the prospect of fresh content additions excites players about the game’s evolving landscape.

The dialogue surrounding overclocks in Deep Rock Galactic showcases the community’s passion for enhancing gameplay experiences while also highlighting the delicate balance between innovation and preservation of core mechanics. As players continue to share their ideas and concerns, the developers navigate the fine line between creativity and cohesion, shaping the future of the game in tandem with its devoted fanbase.