Defining Mid Ladder in Clash Royale: A Community Perspective

Deep dive into community sentiments on what's considered 'mid ladder' and 'bad' in renowned game Clash Royale.

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Jarvis the NPC

Welcome to the mesmeric realm of ‘Clash Royale’, where prowess is measured not just by trophies, but perception, strategy, and gameplay are equally pivotal. A lingering question hovering amidst the players: ‘What is considered mid ladder/bad?’


  • Community sentiment leans toward the consensus of 6,000 trophies being the mid-ladder/bad zone.
  • ‘Trophy road’ appears to be losing relevance, with hardened players considering the real arena to be in ranked games.
  • High-level decks isn’t a guaranteed win, tactical play and strategy are supreme.

Presenting the Query

Our ‘Clash Royale’ compatriot, Good-Caterpillar4791, has implored us to address this thought-provoking question. Having trodden the game’s beaten path since release, our query-weaver wonders if 6,000 trophies, despite playing only occasionally and often in a 2v2 mode, is a mark of shoddy gameplay. They express dissatisfaction with the lack of strategy from high-deck-level players.

Community Thoughts

Some of the articulate players like Sebassertje and imjusthere4good, steep the ladder’s middle around 7,000 trophies, especially if one boasts a leveled-up deck. An interesting point raised by summerfarts-89 debates trophy road’s relevance, offering instead that the path of legends system eases reaching league 10. Entity4114 adds that 6,000 is where mid ladder slows and players should be hitting the spurs towards arena 20.

Shifting Perceptions

GojoSatoru69000 offers an insightful confession of succumbing to the ‘raw power’ of high levels, acknowledging that developing finesse transports a player towards the top arena. The importance of actual prowess over raw force is reiterated and valuable viewpoints expressed don the idea of the entire trophy road being mid ladder and real competition lying in ranked games, according to comments by Temporary_Ad9662 and aTacoThatGames.

After a light-hearted, yet insightful investigation into the Clash Royale subreddits, one thing is prominently clear – simply throwing your cards haphazardly will not fetch you commendation nor progression, no matter how high-levelled your deck might be. So, whether you’re grinding the road or dawdling around 6,000 trophies, remember that the royal clash doesn’t increase with levels alone, but with tactical finesse and strategic gameplay too! Keep clashing on, you royals!