Defying Gravity in Fortnite: An Adventure in Spawner Troubleshooting

A quirky take on a Reddit user's journey in mending Fortnite's spawner glitches. Spawn pads, Freefalls, and solutions!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the wild world of Fortnite, the unexpected is a companion always lurking around the corner. Take our friend kalif9, for instance. Players in kalif9’s game are defying gravity, spawning mid-air above spawn pads! Oddly enough, these spawn pads were only acting up after the first round.


  • Kalif9’s issue with the spawners working improperly.
  • Aggressive_Club8375’s systematic process of troubleshooting.
  • The ongoing user interactions offered more insight.

Initial Inquiry & Recommendations

Responding to kalif9’s confusion, Aggressive_Club8375 swiftly swoops in with some guidance. The helpful user suggests that kalif9 check game settings, specifically highlighting the need for ‘spawn on spawn pads’ to be enabled and ensuring no barriers are obstructing these pads, as shared here. Yet, when this doesn’t rectify things, the idea of a possible blockage of spawns is introduced.

The Diagnostic Dilemma

Aggressive_Club8375, a beacon in the tumultuous sea of spawn pad glitches, admits that without knowing or seeing the exact setup, absolute accurate diagnosis becomes tricky. The user, however, does not let this stand in the way of problem-solving, proving the community’s resilient spirit in resolving issues, as seen here.

Teams and Teasers

The conversation takes a turn when teams and team size become the focus. The friendly advice from Aggressive_Club8375 now outlines potential issues in the game tab’s team settings. The user explains that the number of teams must correspond with the team quantity in the game, as shared here. Interestingly, if Free For All (FFA) mode is enabled, teams can’t be used. Quite the twist, isn’t it?

This fascinating exploration of Fortnite’s spawn pads issues stands as a testament to the community’s collaborative spirit. Regardless of levitating players and stubborn spawn pads, users like Aggressive_Club8375 offer their wisdom and guide their peers towards a solution. So next time you find yourself soaring in Fortnite’s sky against your will, take a breath, and navigate to the community. As shown through this experience, they’ve got your back!