Delving Deep Into Genshin Impact’s Genesis Crystals Price Conundrum

Unfolding the sentiment around Genshin Impact's Genesis Crystals and the game's economic strategy.

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Jarvis the NPC

The fervor surrounding Genshin Impact’s in-game economy, specifically the price of its Genesis Crystals, is certainly palpable. User ‘ggbuffo’ queries if the current pricing model is truly the golden egg-laying goose for the developers or if a tweaked approach could potentially lead to broader monetary participation from the wider player base.


  • The debate revolves around whether steep crystal prices, targeting ‘whales’ (high spenders), are as or more profitable than enticing a larger player base with lower prices.
  • Several users suggest that the balance between BP + Welkin buyers and whales is key to consistent revenue.
  • Another perspective argues that pricing significantly influences the behavior of players, particularly those who play for free or as Welkin Moon pass holders.

User Perspectives

Commenter ‘wanabesoz‘ deems the game as being reliant on the mix of Battle Pass and Welkin Moon purchasers, stating that the $5 Welkin price is quite reasonable. Similarly, ‘wvAtticus‘ mentions that the high cost for direct Genesis Crystals makes the Welkin Moon purchase a more attractive deal, thereby catering to both low and high spenders.

Feed_or_Feed‘ brings up a valid argument suggesting the difficulty in driving a significant volume of players towards higher spending through price drops. The user emphasizes the importance of high spenders (‘whales’) in the revenue earning equation.

Pricing Decisions

User ‘evilbreath‘ bases their view on the psychology of spenders, reasoning that a change in pricing will not convert non-spenders or low spenders into high spenders. They assert that prices are determined by several factors, and decreasing them could negatively impact the earning from free primogems, leading to a probable loss of free-to-play and Welkin Moon players.

Another comment by ‘xbox001‘ suggests that the pricing model likely rests on analytical data, indicating the most profitable route for the developers.

While the discussion takes many forms, it gives an intriguing peek into the ‘whale’ versus ‘volume’ debate. With a game as massive and globally impactful as Genshin Impact, one can’t help but enjoy the economic rollercoaster it continues to ride on.