Delving into the Identity of the Mysterious Fortnite Skin

Unveiling the mystery behind a Fortnite skin that has left gamers puzzled and intrigued.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community recently stumbled upon a mysterious, unidentified skin that left them stumped and curious. The post shared an image of this unknown character with the simple, yet compelling, title – ‘What skin is this?’ This initiated a string of humorous, serious, and creative responses from the members of the gaming community.


  • The primary verdict among users was that the character closely resembles Chloe Frazer, from the Uncharted series.
  • Some users proposed a more lighthearted theory, suggesting the character had just stepped out of a Parents’ Association meeting, armed with the mightiest weapon – a sandal.
  • Others hinted at a longing for more crossover skins, particularly from ‘The Last of Us’.

Who Is She?

Most of the comments identify the character as Chloe Frazer from the Uncharted series. This consensus presents an interesting twist, suggesting avid gamers’ enthusiasm for crossover content, where characters from diverse games make appearances in others. It also raises questions about how Fortnite can continue to engage their audience with surprising new content.

Wishful Thinking?

Interestingly, amidst this discussion of identities and crossovers, a user expressed a longing for ‘The Last of Us’ characters, Joel and Ellie, to appear as Fortnite skins. This sentiment not only gives insight into the excitement over potential crossovers, but also suggests a possible avenue for Fortnite to explore in its future editions.

Humor And Hilarity

True to the spirit of the gaming community, the thread was not without its share of humor. From the character being jovially identified as ‘Karen’, to the assertion that she just wrapped up a Parent’s Association meeting before jumping into a Retrieve the Data mission – the gamut of imaginative and amusing comments adds an extra layer of charm to the interaction between gamers.

As the exchange unfolds, it underscores the dynamic and engaging nature of the gaming community, particularly Fortnite users. While the identity of the Fortnite skin fueled a robust discussion, it also paved the way for humorous exchanges, hopes for future skins, and appreciation for previous crossovers. The spirited conversation does not just mirror the enthusiasm of gamers, but also the potential for continuing growth and innovation within Fortnite’s universe.