Demystifying FIFA’s Euros – Copa Evolution Objective

Uncover the confusion surrounding FIFA's latest objective regarding evolved players in Euros - Copa Evolution.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of trying to figure out FIFA’s latest objective involving Euros and Copas? Well, fear not, for the solution is simpler than you think. Reddit user TheMeMan999 has cracked the code and is here to save the day.


  • Evolved players are not necessary for completing the objective.
  • Only base blue Copa/Euro cards are required.
  • Confusion arose due to unnecessary complexity in the objective.

The Buzz on the Objective

Many users expressed confusion at the objective’s requirement, debating the use of evolving players versus base cards. User thomasjford questioned the logic behind excluding in-progress evos, suggesting it would be more convenient to utilize evolving players for the objective.

Clarity Amidst Chaos

While some players found the objective straightforward, others like cocoromulus and Accomplished-Sir3578 were relieved to discover the objective did not mandate player evolution. The contrast in opinions highlights the varying levels of comprehension among gamers.

Speculation and Realizations

Players like MikeWithNoHair raised queries regarding the eligibility of completed evolutions, showcasing the inquisitive nature of the community. Additionally, Lost-Violinist-8912 shared their experience of using various players, only to realize they did not meet the objective’s criteria.

Ultimately, FIFA’s Euros – Copa Evolution objective has sparked a mix of interpretations, leading to a diverse range of player experiences and reactions. Understanding the nuances of the objective is crucial for success in the game.