Destiny 2: A Divisive Reddit Post Explored

Discover why Reddit users are split on their feelings towards Destiny 2 and its latest updates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 has always been a polarizing game within the gaming community. With the release of new updates and changes, players are once again expressing their divided opinions on the popular subreddit.


  • Players are split on whether recent changes to Destiny 2 have improved or worsened the gameplay experience.
  • Many users are confused by certain in-game mechanics and encounters, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.
  • Some players are enjoying the new content and challenges, finding them refreshing and engaging.

Positive Reactions

One user praised the game, stating, “This is the new Sleeper Suicide and I’m here for it.” This indicates that there are players who appreciate the fresh content and challenges introduced by Destiny 2.

Negative Reactions

However, another player expressed frustration, saying, “I don’t like this game anymore.” This sentiment suggests that there are concerns among players about the recent changes impacting their enjoyment of the game.

Confusion and Disappointment

One user shared their confusion about a specific game mechanic, stating, “I genuinely don’t even know what happened here. Did you shoot the staff or something…?” This confusion highlights the need for clearer communication and explanations within the game.

Overall, Destiny 2 continues to evoke a range of emotions and opinions among its player base. As Bungie works to balance player feedback and implement changes, the community remains divided on the direction of the game.