Destiny 2 – Am I the Asshole for Not Being a Good PvP Player in Trials?

Joining trials in Destiny 2 and facing toxic behavior due to lack of PvP experience - am I really at fault?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are sharing their experiences with trials of osiris, and the toxicity faced by less experienced PvP players. A player, ConnorsCosmos, entered the trials after a long break from the gamemode, only to encounter hate for not performing well.


  • Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 can be a toxic environment for less skilled players.
  • Trial players often opt for pre-made teams to ensure a better experience.
  • Toxic behavior can drive away casual players, impacting the overall health of the game mode.
  • There are suggestions to make non-Adept versions of Trials weapons more accessible to alleviate the pressure on inexperienced players.

Players’ Perspectives

Dagaius emphasizes the importance of team composition and pre-made teams in Trials.

GoldenDomo6123 discusses the negative impact of toxic behavior on the player base.

AccomplishedKoala355 reflects on the mixed responsibility for player skill in Trials.

Community Suggestions

Bewsii suggests making Trials weapons more accessible to alleviate pressure on novice players.

Lboy100 shares insights on managing expectations in solo Trials play and handling toxic behavior.

ChR1sVI advises on light level preparation and warming up in Trials.

Encouraging Improvement

TheBartographer recommends Gernader Jake on YouTube for gameplay improvement tips.

Casper_Von_Ghoul discusses personal responsibility in Trials performance and dealing with frustrations.

EvilMinion07 shares experiences of the toxic nature of Trials in Destiny 2.

Iconoci emphasizes the importance of effort and teamwork in Trials participation.

OutlawGaming01 expresses concerns over inexperienced players impacting Trials matches and suggests practicing in regular Crucible first.

KING2BIG stresses the intensity of Trials and recommends seeking guidance before jumping in.