Destiny 2: Breach Executable Expert – A Divisive Activity Among Guardians

Guardians are picking their bones with Destiny 2's Breach Executable Expert mode. Is it challenging or frustrating? Let's dive in.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2’s Breach Executable Expert mode has created quite a stir among Guardians, with many expressing frustration and discontent with the activity. Here’s a closer look at the sentiments…


  • The difficulty spike in the Breach Executable Expert mode has left players feeling overwhelmed and underprepared.
  • Guardians are critical of the over-tuned enemies, particularly the vex enemies with powerful weapons.
  • The boss fights, especially the choral mind encounter, have been singled out for their frustrating mechanics and lack of clarity.
  • Feedback on the activity’s design and overall experience highlights a need for balance and adjustments to enhance player enjoyment.
  • Guardians and Over-Tuned Enemies

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    The Challenging Boss Fights

    The boss fights in the Breach Executable Expert mode have been a point…

    Design Gripes and Suggestions

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