Destiny 2: Bungie, Please Let Me Shoot These Again – A Look at Redditors’ Sentiments

Exploring the sentiment of Destiny 2 players on Reddit regarding a request to bring back a beloved feature. Will Bungie listen?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players on Reddit are clamoring for a beloved feature’s return, expressing their desire to shoot once more. One Redditor, Noughtic, pleas for Bungie to revive the nostalgic experience of using a particular element in the game that seems to be left gathering virtual dust. The post has ignited a wave of emotions and discussions among fans.


  • Warmind Cells evolved into Tangles, representing a shift in gameplay dynamics.
  • Players reminisce about Rasputin’s orbs and explore potential synergies in the current game state.
  • The community reflects on past game updates and their impact on gameplay mechanics.

Sympathetic Nostalgia

Warmind Cells were a staple element that players fondly remember, with some expressing a desire to see them return to the forefront of gameplay. The evolution into Tangles sparked sentiments of nostalgia and longing for the revitalization of past experiences.

Game Dynamics Shift

The transition from Warmind Cells to Tangles signifies a deliberate shift in the gameplay dynamics of Destiny 2. While some embrace this change, others yearn for the familiarity and simplicity of the previous mechanics, leading to a mix of sentiments within the community.

Rasputin’s Legacy

The mention of Rasputin in the post invokes memories of a significant character in Destiny lore, resonating with players who have followed the game’s narrative closely. The absence of orbs tied to Rasputin’s legacy has stirred both humor and wistfulness among fans, reflecting on the evolving nature of in-game elements.

Despite the evolving gameplay mechanics and updates in Destiny 2, the sentiment among players remains rooted in a shared nostalgia for past features and experiences. Bungie’s ability to balance innovation with honoring the game’s legacy will continue to shape the community’s sentiments and discussions moving forward.