Destiny 2: Can We Get an Adaptive Stasis Auto Rifle Sometime?

Destiny 2 players are eager for a new Stasis auto rifle variant. Will Bungie deliver?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with excitement over the possibility of a new Stasis auto rifle. Since the introduction of Strand weapons, the community has been craving more diversity in the Stasis arsenal.


  • Players are impressed with the variety of Strand weapons but express a desire for more Stasis options.
  • The introduction of a fourth Stasis auto rifle has left players hoping for an adaptive frame variant.
  • Community members suggest ideas for new Stasis weapons, such as a rapid-fire pulse rifle or a 140 hand cannon.

Player Excitement

Destiny 2 enthusiasts are thrilled about the recent additions to the game’s weapon lineup, especially the diverse range of Strand weapons. However, despite the success of the Strand collection, players are eager for Bungie to expand the Stasis armory.

Desire for Diversity

While the latest Stasis auto rifle release has been well-received, some players feel that there is a lack of variety in frame types. The request for an adaptive frame Stasis auto rifle stems from a desire for more customization and gameplay options.

Community Suggestions

Players have taken to Reddit to share their thoughts on potential additions to the Stasis weapon lineup. Suggestions range from a stasis rapid-fire pulse rifle to a craftable Arc hand cannon, showcasing the creativity and enthusiasm of the Destiny 2 community.

As Destiny 2 continues to evolve, players are eagerly anticipating the introduction of new Stasis weapons to enhance their gameplay experience. With the community actively engaging in discussions and sharing ideas, the future looks bright for the world of Destiny 2 weaponry.