Destiny 2: Cancel Your Listings! FTF Woes

Joining FTF lobbies only to find hosts already in a GM? Cancel those listings! Annoying system needs fixing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Dealing with the frustrations in Destiny 2’s Fireteam Finder (FTF) can be more annoying than trying to kill a raid boss with a standard pistol. The subreddit is ablaze with complaints about players not cancelling their FTF listings after joining Grand Master activities, causing unnecessary clutter and inconvenience for others.


  • Players frustrated with hosts not cancelling FTF listings after joining GM activities
  • Suggestions for auto-clearing listings and blocking certain listings
  • Complaints about players sending invites instead of using the FTF

Hosts Neglectful of Listings

One player recounts joining six FTF lobbies in a row, only to discover that the hosts were already in Grand Master activities. This frustrating experience highlights the need for hosts to cancel their listings promptly to prevent wasting other players’ time.

Improving FTF Functionality

Players propose that the in-game finder should automatically clear listings once an activity is launched or if the host goes offline. This would streamline the system and prevent unnecessary clutter.

Player Behaviors

Some users observe that many players send invites instead of utilizing the FTF to connect teams, contributing to the issue. Clear communication and adherence to utilizing the intended features could alleviate these problems.