Destiny 2 Catalyst Ideas: What the Community Wants for Parasite

Explore the hilarious and creative suggestions from the Destiny 2 community for a potential catalyst for Parasite in this Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Destiny 2 subreddit, users are discussing potential catalyst ideas for the Parasite weapon, with some creative and humorous suggestions.


  • Users propose various catalyst ideas for the Parasite weapon.
  • From DPS perks to quirky features, the community showcases a mix of practical and funny suggestions.
  • Some ideas focus on ad clear perks, while others suggest unique effects like voice lines and special animations.

Creative Catalyst Ideas

Twelve_Dozen_Clowns suggests an ad-clear perk for Parasite, while Walrus_bP leans towards a DPS perk, creating a balance between utility and damage. HoXton9 proposes a special version of Full Court to enhance the weapon’s capabilities based on its unique features.

Funny Suggestions

Kabuki_Wookiee humorously suggests turning the Parasite into a singing Michigan J. Frog, adding a fun and quirky element to the weapon. ZenoSeeksFeet proposes having the worms emit the Wilhelm scream upon firing, adding a touch of humor to combat.

Unique Mechanics

WillgarRotmg envisions a game-changing catalyst that enhances Worm’s Hunger stacks, creating a devastating damage potential. Other users like seeyoujim and FinesseFatale suggest mechanics that involve replenishing stacks based on enemy kills, adding strategic depth to weapon usage.