Destiny 2 Chat Filter Fiasco: Do We Need a Censorship Overhaul?

Destiny 2 players express frustration at the chat filter's excessive censorship, raising questions about its necessity.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are fed up with the notorious chat filter that has plagued their communication for months. Users express exasperation over the excessive censorship, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.


  • Players face incessant frustration due to the chat filter’s overzealous censorship.
  • Multiple users point out the filter’s flawed censorship, including blocking innocuous phrases and gaming terms.
  • The lack of acknowledgment or updates from the Destiny 2 team adds to player discontent.

Szabozalan’s Frustration

One user, szabozalan, reveals the struggle of constantly dealing with blocked words in Hungarian, making communication nearly impossible. The filter’s stringent rules leave users like szabozalan feeling stifled.

Vinceywincey’s Humorous Encounter

Vinceywincey humorously recounts a situation where the filter misinterpreted a harmless message, showcasing the filter’s absurdity. The comical mishap sheds light on the filter’s flawed logic.

JDewittweb’s Call for Action

JDewittweb calls out the Destiny 2 team for their silence on the chat filter issue, urging for acknowledgment and resolution. The lack of communication exacerbates player frustration, highlighting the need for transparency.

Destiny 2 players continue to face the repercussions of the chat filter’s excessive censorship, leading to a community outcry for reform. As players navigate the minefield of blocked words and phrases, the need for a comprehensive review of the chat filter’s algorithms becomes increasingly apparent. The Destiny 2 community waits in hope for a resolution that prioritizes clear communication without unnecessary censorship, fostering a more enjoyable gaming experience for all.