Destiny 2: Community Feedback on Bungie’s Shadow Price Update

Discover why Destiny 2 players are split on the recent Shadow Price update by Bungie.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are sharing mixed reactions to Bungie’s recent update on the Shadow Price weapon. The community is divided over the changes made to this iconic weapon.


  • Players express disappointment in the lackluster rolls of the Shadow Price compared to other weapons like Prosecutor.
  • Some users appreciate the diversity of weapon viability in the game and enjoy the challenge of using mid-tier weapons.
  • Community members question Bungie’s decision to reintroduce the Shadow Price with subpar perks when other weapons could have been revitalized.

Community Reactions

Destiny 2 fans are split on the recent Shadow Price update by Bungie. Some players find the lack of compelling perks on the weapon frustrating, especially when compared to other more powerful options in the game. This sentiment is reflected in user comments like…

“My favorite part is that it rolls overflow and voltshot. You can’t proc voltshot if you overflow the mag because you can’t reload the gun. Absolute joke,” pointed out user imyourblueberry. This frustration is echoed by many players who feel let down by the subpar rolls the Shadow Price offers.

Nostalgia vs. Practicality

Many players express their disappointment at the underwhelming nature of the Shadow Price in comparison to other weapons available. User Caerys_ shares, “Yeah kind of sucks since it’s one of my favorite guns, I don’t like the reload part of voltshot that much so I’m settling for a strategist/demo.” The attachment to the weapon clashes with its lack of competitive utility in the current meta.

Game Balance Concerns

Some community members, like StasisBuffed, appreciate certain perks on the Shadow Price but acknowledge its overall mediocrity. “Overflow/One for All sounds pretty nice but aside from that it’s pretty mid. Maybe you could try an ability spam build with Srategist/Demo but Demo on slot 4 always sucks,” they commented. This sentiment reflects a broader concern about game balance and the utility of mid-tier weapons.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Destiny 2 community’s feedback on the Shadow Price update showcases a divide between players who value nostalgia and those who prioritize practicality. While some appreciate the diversity mid-tier weapons bring to the game, others are disappointed by what they perceive as missed opportunities for revitalizing older weapons. As Bungie navigates player feedback, the fate of iconic weapons like the Shadow Price hangs in the balance.