Destiny 2: Community Gripes with Matchmade Overthrow

Destiny 2 players express frustrations with matchmade overthrow dynamics and loot farming in Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to Reddit to voice their complaints about the matchmade overthrow activity. Users are frustrated with players leaving the zone to complete other tasks, resulting in slower progress and uneven workload distribution.


  • Players dislike the inefficiency caused by others leaving mid-activity.
  • Some find solo play more enjoyable and efficient.
  • Community suggests opting for solo play or LFG teams for a smoother experience.
  • Players highlight the issue of loot farming taking precedence over cooperative play.

Gripes with Matchmade Overthrow

Destiny 2 players express frustration over the lack of cooperation in matchmade overthrow activities. Many users complain that some players abandon the group to farm chests or complete other tasks, leading to inefficient and unenjoyable experiences.

Farming Prioritization

Players lament the focus on loot farming over contributing to the main activity, resulting in slower completion times and a lack of teamwork. Some users find solo play more rewarding as it eliminates the need to rely on others.

Suggestions for Improvement

Community members suggest opting for solo play or forming pre-made teams to avoid the issues associated with matchmade activities. This approach ensures a smoother and more cooperative gameplay experience.

Impact of Loot Farming

The prevalence of loot farming in matchmade overthrow activities has led to a divide in player motivations. While some prioritize efficiency and rewards, others emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration in group activities.