Destiny 2: Community Requests for Super Exotic Improvements

Destiny 2 players discuss how super exotics could be improved for better gameplay experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are all fired up about super exotics, with many feeling they need some love and attention. Crobo31’s post on Reddit sparked a lively discussion on what changes could make these exotics more impactful and enjoyable to use.


  • Players want super exotics to have meaningful secondary benefits beyond just enhancing supers.
  • Community calls for more diverse and engaging mechanics for super exotics to improve the neutral game.
  • Suggestions include faster super energy regeneration, unique interactions with abilities, and enhanced neutral game benefits.

Players’ Feedback on Super Exotics

Destiny enthusiasts agree that super exotics should offer more than just a boost to supers. Many believe that enhancing the neutral game experience is essential for a well-rounded gameplay dynamic. As Reddit user Herpings pointed out, even exotics like Skull of Dire Ahamkara need some love and attention.

Schimaera shared the sentiment, expressing dissatisfaction with exotics that only validate a super’s existence. They called for a reevaluation of weak supers and lackluster exotics, emphasizing the need for improvements across the board.

Jawlessrose highlighted Thundercrash as a prime example of a super that becomes viable only with a specific exotic. They praised reworks done on other exotics like Shards of Galanor and Celestial Nighthawk, emphasizing the importance of meaningful exotic interactions.

Ulnarus suggested a special interaction for Cuirass of the Falling Star with Ballistic Slam, showcasing the community’s creativity in envisioning unique exotic synergies.

Community Wishlist for Exotic Enhancements

The Destiny 2 community voiced specific desires for various exotics, such as Gurfun’s plea for Raiden Flux to grant bonus super energy on specific kills. This kind of unique interaction could significantly impact gameplay and make using exotics more rewarding.

Players like Ante-Ignem highlighted Celestial Nighthawk’s improved functionality as a model for other super exotics. Linking exotic perks to specific actions, such as precision kills, can enrich the gameplay experience and promote strategic decision-making.

The community also desires improvements for overlooked exotics like Geomags, as mentioned by TheLionFromZion, indicating a consensus on enhancing a wider range of exotics for better gameplay diversity.

BartholomewBrago reflected the sentiment that exotics should offer consistent value throughout gameplay, discouraging the practice of swapping exotics solely for super activation.