Destiny 2: Controversy Over Dungeon Keys

Returning players in Destiny 2 express frustration about having to purchase old dungeon keys for progression despite owning Final Shape + Annual Pass.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever found yourself questioning why you need to buy old dungeon keys in Destiny 2 despite having the Final Shape + Annual Pass? Well, you’re not alone!


  • Guardian ranks causing frustration among returning players
  • Seasonal activities should be the focus, not paywalled content
  • Debate on the significance of guardian ranks
  • Players divided on the requirement to purchase old dungeon keys

Controversy Around Guardian Ranks

Many players are feeling disheartened by the emphasis on guardian ranks, with some expressing that it adds unnecessary pressure to progress in the game. One user suggested disregarding guardian ranks altogether, likening it to a plague that brings little value past a certain point.

Seasonal vs. Paywalled Content

There’s a clear divide in opinions regarding the role of seasonal activities versus older paywalled content in the progression system. Players believe that seasonal ranks should be tied to current activities rather than locking progress behind purchasing old content, highlighting frustrations with the existing system.

Debating Guardian Rank Significance

The community is split on the significance of guardian ranks, with some dismissing it as a meaningless number that doesn’t impact gameplay. Others argue that the current system unfairly penalizes players who haven’t engaged with the latest content, sparking a debate on the purpose and relevance of guardian ranks.

The Destiny 2 community is clearly passionate about the game’s progression system, with strong opinions on how it should evolve to better cater to both new and returning players. Whether Bungie will address these concerns remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – the debate over dungeon keys and guardian ranks isn’t ending anytime soon.