Destiny 2: Crow’s New Haircut and the Cayde Tribute Conspiracy

The Destiny 2 community is buzzing about Crow's haircut change and its possible tribute to Cayde. What's the real story behind this radical new look?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 community is abuzz with speculations and memes around Crow’s new haircut, suggesting a possible tribute to Cayde-6. Some users question his sudden transformation, while others joke about his ‘son’ and shift from emo to samurai vibes.


  • Crow’s haircut revamp sparks theories of honoring Cayde-6.
  • Users humorously debate if his ‘son’ is a biological child or a figure of speech.
  • Vibrant mix of reactions from loving the new look to poking fun at Crow’s past aesthetic.

Crow’s New Look

IIFreshMilkII humorously suggests that Crow changed his haircut to ditch the ‘stupid’ one from character creation, sparking a funny meme within the community.

The Father-Son Dynamic

Sigman_S explains the ‘son’ reference, linking it to Fikrul and Uldren Sov, adding a depth to the familial terminology used by Crow.

Fashion Forward or Backward?

roguespectre67 amusingly contrasts Crow’s previous ‘My Chemical Romance’ vibe with his current ‘metrosexual samurai’ look, showcasing the stark transformation.

Insights and Revelations

DatMoonGamer delves into the lore, connecting Crow’s ‘son’ remark to Uldren Sov and the complex relationships within the Destiny universe, giving context to the haircut change.