Destiny 2: Crow’s Quick Exit – Fans React to Hunter’s Swift Decision

Destiny 2 fans discuss Crow's quick departure and the implications of his actions in the latest plot twist.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the latest twist in Destiny 2, Crow made a swift exit that caught many off guard, sparking discussions among fans regarding the Hunter’s decision-making.


  • Fans praise Crow’s quick thinking as a defining trait of a Hunter.
  • Some view Crow’s actions as a testament to his growth as a character.
  • There is a consensus that Crow’s decision reflects the essence of a true Hunter.

Fans’ Reactions

One user commended Crow, stating, ‘My boy is SMART.’ This sentiment was echoed by many, highlighting Crow’s strategic prowess.

Another fan referenced a famous quote, emphasizing the importance of knowing when to fight or take flight, aligning with Crow’s decision in the game.

Several users defended Crow’s actions, pointing out that anyone in his position would have likely made the same choice.

Implications and Speculations

Some fans speculate on the potential consequences of Crow’s swift exit, questioning how this decision might influence future events in Destiny 2.

Others see Crow’s actions as a step towards solidifying his position as the new Hunter Vanguard, showcasing the qualities necessary for the role.

The overarching sentiment suggests a positive outlook on Crow’s choice, highlighting his evolution as a character within the game.