Destiny 2: Crucible Rank Woes – Why Am I Moving at a Snail’s Pace?

Discover the frustrations of gaining Crucible rank in Destiny 2. Are the rewards glitched, or is there more to it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of feeling like you’re stuck in quicksand when it comes to progressing your Crucible rank in Destiny 2? Let’s dive into the community’s concerns surrounding this slow crawl towards rewards.


  • Players are frustrated with the sluggish progression of Crucible rank.
  • Warlocks may be experiencing bugs that hinder their rank gain.
  • Completing seasonal comp placement matches can provide bonus % to overall rep gains.
  • Higher Comp rank translates to better rep multipliers.

Warlock Woes: Bugs and Glitches

According to several players, Warlocks seem to be plagued by bugs affecting their rank progression across playlists. While Titans and Hunters are unaffected, Warlocks are facing a distinct disadvantage.

The Comp Connection: Seasonal Placement Matches

Players recommend tackling the seasonal comp placement matches to secure an extra percentage boost to overall Crucible rep gains. This additional multiplier can be the key to accelerating your progress and reaping better rewards.

Multiplying Multipliers: The Comp Rank Impact

It appears that your Comp rank plays a significant role in determining the rep multipliers you receive in Crucible matches. Achieving higher ranks in Comp can lead to more favorable multipliers, enhancing your overall rep gain.

The Destiny 2 community is abuzz with discussions surrounding the tedious journey towards improving Crucible rank. From bug reports to strategic advice, players are seeking ways to overcome the sluggish pace and maximize their rewards. Whether it’s unraveling the mysteries of Warlock bugs or mastering the art of Comp placements, the quest for efficient rank progression continues.