Destiny 2: Dual Destiny Farming Struggles and Community Frustrations

Discover the challenges and frustrations faced by Destiny 2 players with the dual destiny farming method.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are voicing their frustrations with the dual destiny farming method, highlighting the challenges and grind associated with it. The exotic mission, while enjoyable, poses significant hurdles for players seeking specific class item rolls.


  • Players appreciate the engaging experience of the exotic mission but find the grind excessive
  • Suggestions include treating perks like armor mods and implementing duplicate protection
  • Community proposes solutions to streamline the farming process

Frustrations with the Grind

Many players express dissatisfaction with the extensive grind required to obtain desired class item rolls. The allure of the exotic mission is overshadowed by the repetitive nature of the grind, leading some to consider taking a break from the game.

Community Suggestions

Community members propose various solutions to alleviate the grind, such as treating perks similar to armor mods or introducing duplicate protection to prevent constant reruns for specific rolls. These suggestions aim to enhance the player experience and make the farming process more enjoyable.

Diversifying Gameplay

While some players advocate for alternative farming methods, such as patrol chest farming in the Pale Heart, others emphasize the importance of diversifying gameplay to combat burnout. Engaging with different content and activities can present new opportunities for acquiring desired items and alleviate the frustration of repetitive runs.

The Destiny 2 community continues to engage in discussions regarding the dual destiny farming method, highlighting the need for balance between grind mechanics and player enjoyment. As players voice their concerns and suggest improvements, Bungie faces the challenge of addressing these issues to maintain a positive gaming experience for all Guardians.