Destiny 2: Dual Destiny Impressions – Best Exotic Mission Yet

Discover why Destiny 2 players are split over the Dual Destiny mission. Is it peak Destiny or a frustrating experience?

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the world of Destiny 2 and the community’s mixed feelings about the Dual Destiny mission. EpicAura99 shared their experience with the best exotic mission yet, but not everyone seems to agree.


  • The Dual Destiny mission in Destiny 2 has players divided over its gameplay mechanics and difficulty level.
  • While some find the puzzles and surprises satisfying, others feel frustrated by the timed challenges and lack of solo options.
  • The community is split between those who appreciate the communication requirement and those who think it hinders the experience.

EpicAura99’s Enthusiasm

EpicAura99 expressed joy in tackling the Dual Destiny mission with a friend, praising the puzzles and the surprise dual to the death at the end. Despite minor annoyances, such as having to restart when the time ran out, they found the content to be some of the best in Destiny 2.

Community Discord

Opinions vary among Destiny 2 players, with some like JohannaFRC feeling that Dual Destiny encapsulates all the frustrating elements of the game. From challenging enemies to countdowns and riddles, the mission didn’t sit well with everyone.

Solo vs. Co-op

Meiie suggested that the option to solo the mission should be available after the first completion, while 6FootFruitRollup advocated for all exotic missions to be soloable to recapture the challenge of previous content.

Whether you love it or hate it, Dual Destiny has certainly sparked a lively debate within the Destiny 2 community. What’s your take on this latest exotic mission?