Destiny 2: Exotic Support Build Backlash – Understanding the Reddit Community

Discover the drama behind an unconventional Destiny 2 build and why it sparked controversy among fireteams.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever been booted from a fireteam in Destiny 2? Well, one Guardian shared their experience of being kicked despite having an effective exotic support build. The post and comments shed light on the community’s reactions.


  • Community misunderstandings led to a Guardian being unjustly kicked from fireteams.
  • The unconventional exotic support build caused confusion among players.
  • Players failed to recognize the effectiveness of the build due to preconceived notions.

Guardian’s Experience

Y33ZUSGAMING expressed disappointment after being kicked from multiple fireteams despite using a well-thought-out exotic support build in Destiny 2. They highlighted the build’s efficiency and the importance of support roles in the game. However, their efforts were unappreciated by some fireteams who focused solely on superficial aspects rather than the build’s functionality.

Community Responses

Kuwabara03 praised the Guardian’s understanding of the game mechanics and expressed trust in their abilities, emphasizing that triple 100s indicated the player’s expertise. MechaMancer criticized the community for overlooking crucial details of the build, attributing the Guardian’s dismissal to ignorance and superficial judgment.

AccomplishedKoala355 welcomed the Guardian to their fireteam, acknowledging the value of champion weapons and inviting collaboration. PineMaple commended the effectiveness of the Ursa exotic and highlighted the potential of the build despite perceived drawbacks by others.

Final Thoughts

Destiny 2 players’ reactions to unconventional builds reflect a broader issue of superficial judgments in online gaming communities. Appreciating diverse playstyles and roles is crucial for fostering a positive environment where all contributions are valued, irrespective of conformity to traditional norms. The Guardian’s experience serves as a reminder to look beyond appearances and recognize the potential of unique approaches to gameplay.