Destiny 2: Exploring the Grievances of Gambit – Gamers Share Their Dislikes

Discover the reasons why Destiny 2 players avoid Gambit mode and what changes they desire for a better experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2’s Gambit mode has sparked quite a controversy within the community, with players expressing their grievances and reasons for disliking this particular gameplay feature. The post in question dives deep into the root causes of this dissatisfaction, shedding light on the different aspects that gamers find frustrating. Let’s take a closer look at what players dislike about Gambit.


  • Gambit lacks loot incentive, leading players to feel unrewarded for their efforts.
  • Invasions and health gating mechanics are major pain points for solo players.
  • The stagnant nature of the gamemode, coupled with a lack of variety and teaching, contributes to player frustration.

Community Discontent with Gambit

Many players express dissatisfaction with Gambit due to the lack of compelling rewards and incentives. One player, Shieldwolfei, mentions enjoying Gambit but highlights the lack of valuable loot as a deterrent to prolonged engagement.

Another common complaint revolves around the invasion mechanic, with several gamers noting the frustration of dealing with invasions, particularly when playing solo. Pablo__13 points out the challenges faced during invasions and the impact they have on the overall experience.

Invasion Frustrations

One of the recurring themes in the community’s feedback is the frustration surrounding invasions. 1leggeddog emphasizes the desire for a more coordinated approach to victory, free from the disruptions caused by invasions.

The sentiment is echoed by rhylgi-roogi, who highlights the negative impact of health gating in Gambit. The mechanics surrounding invasion and health gating often lead to player dissatisfaction and detract from the overall enjoyment of the mode.

Gambit Gameplay Woes

Gamers also express concerns regarding the gameplay dynamics of Gambit. KanadeKanashi outlines various issues, such as the lack of new content, poor teammate coordination, and the heavy meta dominance, which collectively diminish the appeal of the mode.

These sentiments are further reinforced by feedback from players like Smoking-Posing, who point out specific issues like wall-hacking invaders and glitched motes that hinder the overall experience of playing Gambit.

The Need for Change

While some players still find enjoyment in Gambit, there is a growing consensus within the community that the mode requires significant changes to address its shortcomings. Suggestions range from revamping loot rewards to introducing new maps and enemies to inject freshness into the gameplay experience.

Ultimately, the sentiments shared by Destiny 2 players highlight the need for Bungie to reevaluate and refine Gambit to better align with player expectations and preferences. As the community voices its concerns and desires for improvements, the future of Gambit remains uncertain but open to evolution.