Destiny 2: F or C for Punching? The Great Keyboard Debate

Discover the keyboard preferences of Destiny 2 players when it comes to melee attacks. Is it F or C? Find out now!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, players debate fiercely over whether to use the F or C key for melee attacks. The discussion gets heated as keyboard preferences clash in the virtual battleground.


  • Players are divided between using F or C for punching in Destiny 2.
  • Some opt for mouse buttons or other key bindings for melee attacks.
  • Keyboard layouts vary widely, reflecting individual playstyles and habits.

The F Punch Advocates

Some players swear by the F key for punching in Destiny 2, finding it intuitive and easily accessible. They argue that it allows for quick and efficient melee strikes during intense gameplay moments.

The C Key Champions

On the other side of the debate, proponents of the C key believe it offers a more comfortable position for melee attacks. They argue that it provides a natural hand placement, reducing the risk of accidental presses during crucial battles.

Mouse Button Maneuvers

Many players prefer using mouse buttons for melee attacks, citing the convenience of additional buttons on their gaming mice. This allows for seamless integration of melee strikes into their overall gameplay experience.

Keybinding Creativity

Some players have adopted unique keybindings for melee attacks, showcasing their creativity and adaptability in customizing their gameplay. From E to alternate mouse clicks, each choice reflects a player’s personal style and gaming background.