Destiny 2: Fans Call for New Darkness Supers and Melees in Space Magic

Destiny 2 fans are eager for more variety in their space magic and call for new darkness supers and melees to be added to the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are expressing their desire for more diversity in their space magic abilities, particularly in the darkness subclasses. A recent Reddit post by user corvidnight27 discusses the lack of new dark supers and melees in the game, prompting a discussion among the community.


  • Players crave new darkness supers and melees in Destiny 2 for added variety in gameplay.
  • Suggestions range from new subclass abilities to alternative melees for existing subclasses.
  • Community members emphasize the need for more PvE-viable melee attacks across all subclasses.

Fan Suggestions

Destiny 2 fans present a variety of ideas for new darkness supers and melees. User _LadyAveline_ expresses the need for a better melee for Voidlocks, highlighting the community’s desire for improvements in subclass abilities.

Alexcox95 desires a 3rd darkness subclass to introduce an extra anti-barrier option, showcasing the community’s interest in more subclass variety for strategic gameplay.

Quaiker suggests unique ideas for new dark subclass abilities, such as a mythical red dark subclass, reflecting players’ creativity and imagination for innovative gameplay elements.

myxyn proposes specific concepts for new supers, including Thundercrash-inspired abilities for different classes, demonstrating the community’s enthusiasm for diverse and exciting gameplay experiences.

Community Concerns

Players like M4jkelson and SexJokeUsername express the need for alternative melees and increased melee gameplay variety across all classes, indicating a common desire for enhanced combat mechanics in Destiny 2.

chrome4 envisions new ranged melee options, such as a Lance melee for Behemoths, showcasing players’ interest in strategic and versatile combat abilities.

_Nystro_ speculates on the future of subclass abilities in Destiny 2, raising questions about potential updates and expansions to fill existing gameplay gaps.

SparkyRobinson and TheDrifter211 highlight players’ frustrations with lackluster subclass updates and repetitive abilities, emphasizing the importance of regular content additions to keep the game engaging and dynamic.

Final Thoughts

Destiny 2 players exhibit a strong passion for innovative and diverse gameplay experiences, with a keen interest in new darkness supers and melees to enhance their space magic adventures. The community’s suggestions and feedback reflect a deep investment in the game’s evolution and the desire for continuous updates to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.