Destiny 2: Fans Discuss the Nostalgic Snowy Cosmodrome

Reddit users reminisce about the snowy vibes from Destiny 1's Cosmodrome and share their thoughts on the current state of Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the Cosmodrome in Destiny 1 sparked a discussion among Destiny 2 fans about the absence of the snowy charm in the game’s sequel. Nostalgia hit hard as players compared the old and new versions of this iconic location.


  • Many players miss the snowy aesthetic of the Cosmodrome from Destiny 1.
  • Some users express disappointment in Destiny 2’s version of the Cosmodrome, citing missing features and changes.
  • Global warming references were made humorously in relation to the snow disappearance.

Players’ Frustrations

New-Monarchy voiced dissatisfaction with the current Cosmodrome, missing key elements like the day/night cycle and the snowy landscape. The absence of these features left them unimpressed.

A Touch of Humor

Right-Acanthisitta-1 humorously pointed out that global warming was now canon in Destiny, explaining the sudden disappearance of the snowy setting in the Cosmodrome.

Nostalgia vs. Innovation

Luvrboy12 expressed conflicting feelings, acknowledging the nostalgia for the snowy Cosmodrome but also appreciating the newer elements introduced in Destiny 2, such as the Witness and the Darkness.