Destiny 2: Fans Divided Over New Episodes Format

Destiny 2 fans are split on the new Episodes format, with some feeling underwhelmed by the changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans are in a heated debate over the recent announcement of the new Episodes format. The community is divided on whether the shift from Seasons to Episodes will lead to a more fulfilling gaming experience.


  • Players express skepticism over the Episodes format, questioning the depth of storytelling and content variety.
  • Fans are frustrated with the perceived lack of innovation and meaningful changes in the new format.
  • Some users appreciate the potential for more frequent story beats but remain cautious about the execution.

Fans’ Reactions

Several fans voiced their concerns about the new Episodes format, highlighting the disconnect between Bungie’s promises and the actual gameplay experience. User Cardzfan5 sarcastically questioned the logic behind Osiris’ missions, while Trucks2826 pointed out the importance of Acts 2 and 3 in determining the success of the new format.

Fan Destiny_Flavor_Text added a poetic touch to the discussion, quoting Andal Brask’s words on storytelling. However, Hopeful_Crab7912 criticized the corporate language used by developers, suggesting a lack of authenticity.

Long-time player streetvoyager expressed disappointment with the lack of tangible differences between Seasons and Episodes, emphasizing the need for substantial changes in content delivery. LunarKOF echoed these sentiments, critiquing the new format for being reminiscent of previous iterations without significant improvements.

Meanwhile, smegdawg humorously dissected Bungie’s marketing language, highlighting the community’s skepticism towards the perceived enhancements in storytelling frequency.

Despite mixed feelings, fans are eager to see how Bungie addresses these concerns and shapes the future of Destiny 2 with the Episodes format.