Destiny 2 Fans React to The Witness Having a Mouth – Shocking Discovery!

Discover the shocking revelation that has Destiny 2 players talking - The Witness has a mouth?!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players were left astonished after discovering that The Witness, a mysterious character in the game, possesses a mouth. The revelation has sparked a mix of reactions among fans, ranging from disbelief to amusement.


  • Players are shocked by the unexpected detail of The Witness having a mouth.
  • The discovery has led to a range of reactions, from finding it cute to feeling uncomfortable.
  • Some players critique the design, expressing discomfort and disbelief at the character’s appearance.

The Witness Unmasked

Destiny 2 players stumbled upon a revelation that has left them reeling – The Witness, a figure shrouded in mystery within the game, was found to possess a mouth. This discovery, which surfaced through a glitch in the game, has sparked a wide array of reactions among players, ranging from awe to disbelief.

Player Reactions

One user, Live_Bug_7060, expressed how they found The Witness cute despite the unusual detail, showcasing a more lighthearted take on the discovery. On the other hand, Cloud_N0ne critiqued the facial design of the character, highlighting aspects like derpy cat eyes and a goofy unibrow that they found off-putting.

Mixed Emotions

Some players, like InternationalChip589, drew comparisons between The Witness’s appearance and a popular animated series, making light of the situation with humor. However, for KoroiNeko, the discovery led to a feeling of discomfort, illustrating the diverse range of emotions the reveal evoked.

The unexpected detail of The Witness having a mouth has certainly sparked a lively discussion among Destiny 2 players. While some have found it endearing or amusing, others have been left perplexed or even unnerved by the revelation. The wide array of reactions showcases the diverse perspectives within the game’s community, with each player interpreting the discovery in their unique way.