Destiny 2: Fans Reflect on the Impact of Lance Reddick’s Absence

Fans of Destiny 2 express their sadness and admiration for Lance Reddick's character through DLC updates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans reflect on the impact of losing Lance Reddick and how his presence would have influenced the latest DLC.


  • Community laments Lance Reddick’s absence in latest Destiny 2 content.
  • Fans admire Reddick’s talent and wish he could have witnessed the new DLC.
  • Comments emphasize Reddick’s contribution to the game’s emotional depth.

Reflections on Reddick

Many users express deep sorrow over Reddick’s absence, appreciating his impact and the emotional depth he brought to Destiny 2.

Voice actor comparisons highlight Keith David’s portrayal and the bittersweet feeling of Reddick’s absence.

Grief and Tribute

Players mourn the missed opportunity for Reddick to witness the DLC content and deliver outstanding performances.

Some fans reminisce about poignant scenes in the game, reflecting on how Reddick’s presence would have enhanced those moments.

Final Homage

The community’s shared sentiment unites in longing for Reddick’s reaction to the DLC updates and the impact it would have had on his legacy.