Destiny 2: Farming for Exotic Class Items – Reddit Community Woes

Discover the frustrations of Destiny 2 players as they struggle with farming for exotic class items.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are voicing their frustrations with the arduous process of farming for exotic class items in the game. Spending hours on end without getting the desired roll is dampening their experience and motivation to continue playing.


  • Players are spending excessive amounts of time farming for exotic class items without success, leading to frustration and burnout.
  • The lack of focus options or increased drop rates is a major point of contention among the community.
  • The grind for specific rolls has caused some players to lose interest in the game altogether.

Player Experiences

Many players, like LordOfTheBushes, have dedicated over 70 hours to farming for a specific roll, only to be met with disappointment and dwindling enthusiasm for the game. This relentless grind with no bad luck protection has soured their initial excitement for the expansion.

Moikrochip_Master offers a different perspective, viewing exotic class items as a bonus rather than a necessity. They emphasize the importance of not burning out while chasing these items and focus on enjoying the game for what it is.

SykoManiax’s experience echoes the frustration of receiving repeated drops despite efforts to engage in the weekly challenges. The disappointment led them to step back from Destiny 2 in favor of other gaming experiences like Elden Ring’s DLC.

Others, like The_Relx, express how the laborious farm for exotic class items has led to burnout and a decrease in playtime. They find themselves logging in only for essential weekly activities and events.

Community Suggestions

Jumpy_Grapefruit_400 proposes the idea of being able to focus on specific rolls with Rahool, providing a potential solution to the randomness of the drop system that currently frustrates players.

_Installation04 presents a straightforward approach, advising players to explore other aspects of the game or take a break if the farming process becomes too taxing.

Critplank_was_taken critiques the execution of exotic class items in Destiny 2, highlighting the disparity between the concept and its implementation, leading to underwhelming combinations and lackluster rewards.

Black_Knight_7 suggests incentivizing players in the dual destiny mission by granting double perks for efficient and perfect completions, offering a fresh approach to enhancing the farming experience.

The sentiments expressed by Destiny 2 players reveal a mix of frustration, disappointment, and burnout stemming from the challenging grind for exotic class items. As the community offers suggestions and feedback, it remains to be seen how Bungie will address these concerns and improve the player experience.