Destiny 2: Fully Enhanced Zaouli Isn’t Enhanced?? What’s Going On?

Discover why Destiny 2 players are baffled by the fully enhanced Zaouli that isn't enhanced in this Reddit post analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to Reddit to express their frustration over the fully enhanced Zaouli not appearing enhanced. Users speculate and offer solutions for this puzzling issue.


  • Players encounter a bug with triumph or quest-earned weapons not fully enhancing.
  • Bungie has fixed similar issues in the past, giving hope for a resolution.
  • Some weapons’ columns remain unenhanced, raising questions about the actual enhancements.

Players Discuss the Bug

Many players shared their experiences with the bug, noting issues with weapons like Hammerheads and Recluse. It seems that even after enhancement, certain perks remain unchanged, leading to confusion among users.

Potential Fixes and Workarounds

One user suggested activating enhancements again and updating the loadout to resolve the issue. Another speculated that the bug might be related to specific triumph- or quest-earned weapons, calling attention to Bungie’s past fixes in similar situations.

Speculation and Uncertainty

Players remain unsure whether the bug is merely a visual UI glitch or if the enhancements are truly not working as intended. Some wonder about the benefits of harrowed versions compared to normal ones, seeking clarity on the situation.

The Destiny 2 community continues to investigate and discuss the fully enhanced Zaouli bug, hoping for a resolution that will ensure weapons function as intended.