Destiny 2 Gambit: Love it or Hate it? Players Share Their Thoughts

The Destiny 2 community discusses their love-hate relationship with Gambit, sharing both praise and criticisms.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Destiny 2 community is abuzz with discussions about the popular game mode, Gambit. Players are divided on their feelings towards this unique mix of PvP and PvE action.


  • Players appreciate the blend of PvP and PvE elements in Gambit.
  • Some enjoy the competitive nature of Gambit compared to regular PvP matches.
  • There are mixed feelings about the balance of Gambit matches and the impact of team composition.
  • Gambit Prime is remembered fondly by many players for its gameplay mechanics.

Love for the Mode

Some players, like Dual-Heart, enjoy Gambit for its fusion of PvP and PvE. The adrenaline rush of being an invader or taking down invaders adds to the excitement.

Competitive Edge

Coreyonfire values the clear objectives in Gambit, where teamwork is crucial for success. The competitive aspect against another team sets it apart from regular PvP matches.

Frustrations and Hopes

EvenBeyond appreciates the mix of PvE and PvP but notes the imbalance in matches based on team compositions. They suggest improvements like competitive Gambit with better balancing.

Nostalgia for Prime

Uberiffic reminisces about Gambit Prime, highlighting its engaging gameplay and the thrill of comebacks. The current iteration’s flaws have left some longing for the days of Prime.

Players are deeply invested in Gambit, with each match offering a unique blend of challenges and triumphs. Whether it’s the rush of invasions, the thrill of close games, or the frustration of imbalanced matches, Gambit continues to spark passionate debates within the Destiny 2 community.