Destiny 2 Glimmer Woes: The Great Glimmer Depression Debate

Players in Destiny 2 are divided on the glimmer shortage issue, with some struggling to keep up with the economy while others are swimming in riches.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 is currently facing a crisis that has divided its player base – the Great Glimmer Depression. A Reddit user, FewAd2321, sparked a heated discussion on the subreddit about the scarcity of glimmer, the in-game currency that has become a hot topic among players.


  • The scarcity of glimmer has left some players struggling to maintain their in-game resources, especially newer players.
  • Others argue that they are swimming in glimmer and have no issues, suggesting differences in playstyles and resource management.
  • There is a call for Bungie to re-evaluate the economy and potentially adjust ghost mods to address the glimmer shortage issue.

Players’ Perspectives

Some players, like abnShady, reminisce about the grind for glimmer in Destiny 1, emphasizing the lack of fun in repetitive farming activities that revolve around glimmer accumulation.

On the contrary, GeneratorLeon finds it challenging to spend glimmer quickly enough, showcasing a stark contrast in player experiences.

Kiyotakaa highlights their abundant glimmer reserves, questioning the struggles of others and hinting at differing approaches to in-game economy management.

The_Slavstralian suggests changing specifications to increase glimmer drops, proposing a game design adjustment to address the currency imbalance.

ItsYaBoiAnatoman, in stark contrast to FewAd2321, reveals a surplus of glimmer, showcasing the disparity in resource management strategies among players.

Bringing Balance

The debate surrounding the Great Glimmer Depression in Destiny 2 underscores the diverse player experiences within the game’s economy. While some face a shortage of glimmer, others find themselves in a position of abundance, leading to a heated discussion on Reddit. The player community’s call for a reevaluation of the in-game economy and potential adjustments to ghost mods highlights the importance of balance and fairness in resource distribution within Destiny 2. As Bungie navigates these player concerns, the Destiny 2 community eagerly awaits updates that could address the Great Glimmer Depression and ensure a more equitable gaming experience for all Guardians.