Destiny 2: Group Finishers and Epic Team Moves Wish List

Explore the Destiny 2 community's dream for group finishers and hilarious team maneuvers. Will Bungie make it happen?

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the potential addition of group finishers in Destiny 2 has ignited a fiery conversation among fans who are eager to see epic team moves take center stage. Whether it’s envisioning coordinated takedowns or imagining the sheer spectacle of synchronized finishers, the community is buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Here’s a look at what players are saying:


  • Players are enthusiastic about the idea of group finishers and envisioning elaborate wrestling-like moves.
  • Suggestions include special accolades and bonus points for executing group finishers.
  • Some express skepticism about the practicality of implementing group finishers in the game.

Fan Excitement for Group Finishers

The concept of group finishers has sparked the imaginations of Destiny 2 players, with many dreaming of coordinated attacks that showcase teamwork and style. User mindbullet enthusiastically shares, ‘Think of all the bad ass wrestling moves! Suplex with an elbow from the top rope! Sweet Chin music into a chair shot!’

Practical Concerns and Skepticism

While the idea of group finishers is undeniably thrilling, some players like shin_malphur13 express reservations about the logistical challenges it may pose. They humorously admit, ‘I can barely stand in the right spot to do a dance w a random on the tower.’

Community Suggestions

Players also offer suggestions for the potential implementation of group finishers, with AntiKlown12 proposing that these finishers should come with special accolades and significant point rewards to incentivize their use.

From epic wrestling-inspired moves to tactical finishing maneuvers, the Destiny 2 community is abuzz with ideas and enthusiasm for the prospect of group finishers making their way into the game. As players continue to share their creative visions and hopes for this feature, all eyes are on Bungie to see if they will heed the call and bring these epic team moves to life in Destiny 2.