Destiny 2: Helm of Saint 14 – Redditors Discuss Improving the Exotic Helmet

Redditors suggest enhancements for the Helm of Saint 14 in Destiny 2, expressing disappointment with its current functionality.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent Destiny 2 subreddit discussion, players shared their thoughts on the Helm of Saint 14, expressing a desire for additional effects to make it more impactful during gameplay.


  • Players feel the Helm of Saint 14 lacks utility beyond the initial super activation.
  • Many suggest adding neutral game effects or passive abilities to enhance its usefulness.
  • Some criticize the exotic for focusing solely on super buffs rather than providing continuous benefits.

Redditors’ Suggestions for Improvement

Many redditors propose various enhancements for the Helm of Saint 14 in Destiny 2, emphasizing the need for more versatile and rewarding effects. One user, MercuryJellyfish, suggests a positive effect on the shield provided by Unbreakable, aligning it with the Saint-14 theme.

Desire for Versatility

Users like Pocketfulofgeek express disappointment over the exotic’s limited functionality, noting the missed opportunity to incorporate a neutral game passive ability. They critique the lack of versatility in the helmet’s design and call for more creative enhancements.

Preference for Continuous Benefits

Cloud_N0ne and other players point out their preference for exotics that offer continuous benefits rather than just super enhancements. They advocate for gear that enhances gameplay throughout the mission, not just during super activation.

Players’ suggestions range from adding overshield effects to providing weapon enhancements, showcasing the community’s desire for more dynamic and engaging exotic gear in Destiny 2.