Destiny 2: How to Secure Victory in Gambit

Struggling to win in Gambit? Find out how Reddit users share strategies to turn the tide in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever felt overwhelmed in Destiny 2’s Gambit mode? Dive into the Reddit post where users discuss strategies on securing victory when behind in primeval stacks. From invasions to team compositions, these tips might just turn your luck around in Gambit!


  • Timing invasions strategically can shift the balance of power.
  • Pre-positioning at envoy spawns can optimize your team’s DPS.
  • Adapting loadouts and team roles can play a crucial role in victory.

Strategies to Close the Gap

One user suggests that being the first to spawn doesn’t guarantee victory. A well-timed invasion that disrupts the enemy team’s progress can still turn the tide, even if you’re falling behind. Loadouts and team synergy can also play a critical role in determining the outcome of a match:

“Just because you spawn first doesn’t mean you always win. Yes you will get an advantage by being first to spawn but if an invader gets a few kills and makes the primeval get health gated last second you can still potentially win.”

The Importance of Invading

Several users emphasize the significance of invading as a key strategy to secure victory in Gambit. Invading effectively, whether through kills or obstructing the enemy team’s progress, can be a game-changer:

“Invade after 2nd round of envoys, heal enemy primeval to max, then they won’t be able to break primeval in before heath gate comes.”

Optimizing Team Dynamics

Team coordination and roles play a vital role in Gambit matches. From effective invasions to strategic positioning, every team member’s contribution can impact the outcome:

“Only way to catch up at any point in the match is for the Invader to obstruct their progress long enough for the rest of the team to get ahead.”

When victory seems out of reach in Gambit, remember that a well-executed invasion or a change in team strategy can be the key to turning the tables. Despite the intense competition, Gambit’s design allows for thrilling comebacks and last-minute victories, making each match a dynamic and unpredictable experience.