Destiny 2: How Void Damage is Ruining Players’ Lives – Reddit Rant

Void damage in Destiny 2 is causing chaos for players. From minotaurs to ogres, the frustration is real.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players rant about the overwhelmingly powerful void damage in the game, leading to frustrating and challenging gameplay experiences. Users express their annoyance with the unbalanced impact of void attacks on their characters.


  • Void damage in Destiny 2 poses a significant challenge, with players feeling constantly overwhelmed and frustrated by its impact.
  • Players note the difficulty in surviving void attacks, even with high resilience and appropriate gear.
  • The community agrees that void damage stands out as one of the most potent threats in the game, leading to frequent deaths and setbacks.
  • Users highlight specific encounters and enemies that showcase the extreme power of void attacks, emphasizing the need for Bungie to address this issue.
  • Exploring the Frustration

    One user vividly describes the upcoming Grandmaster strike as a nightmare scenario where players face a massive tormentor dishing out relentless void damage in a confined space.

    Another user echoes the sentiment that void damage always seems to be the most deadly, overshadowing other sources of harm in the game.

    A player recounts a harrowing experience facing barrier hobgoblins and their lethal solar shots, underscoring the frustration of instant deaths from powerful elemental attacks.

    Diverse Challenges in the Game

    Users discuss the wide array of threats beyond void damage, such as arc blasts from wizards with massive radius and relentless solar darts in Gambit that make evasion difficult.

    Players express annoyance at bosses like the lightblade boss, firing rapid arc blasts at an unmanageable rate, leading to frequent one-shot eliminations.

    The community highlights encounters with scorn crossbows and the overwhelming damage output from these enemies, showcasing the need for balancing in enemy attacks.

    The Technical Angle

    One user offers a technical perspective, mentioning that high frame rates can inadvertently increase damage from certain enemies, advising players to cap their FPS to avoid unintentional difficulties.

    Overall, Destiny 2 players face a persistent challenge with void damage, prompting a call for Bungie to address the overtuned mechanics that are causing frustration and impacting gameplay enjoyment.