Destiny 2: Ideas for Hands, Seeds, and Class Items in the Game

Discover the community's innovative ideas for improving the Destiny 2 experience with hands, seeds, and class items.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing potential improvements for Destiny 2, users on Reddit shared fascinating insights about utilizing hands, seeds, and class items. The post by KitsuneKamiSama raised intriguing suggestions for enhancing gameplay by linking class items to completion rates and repurposing Seeds of Light.


  • Enhancing class item drop rates based on completion rates.
  • Repurposing Seeds of Light for obtaining class items to avoid waste.
  • Suggestions for a more balanced exchange rate for Seeds of Light and class items.

Positive Reactions to Ideas

The community largely supported the idea of increasing class item drop rates based on completion rates. User shadowknight2112 exclaimed, “This is a great idea!” while xastey_ concurred, calling it simple yet effective.

Negative Feedback on Seed Exchange Rate

Some users expressed concerns about the proposed exchange rate of 2 Seeds per class item. Etherenzi argued that the current exchange rate undervalued Seeds of Light significantly, suggesting a reevaluation of the system.

Innovative Suggestions for Gameplay

User Im_Bad_At_Games proposed an intriguing concept of trading Seeds of Light for class items at the end of Dual Destiny, akin to a raid chest reward system. This suggestion aimed to create a rewarding loop between gameplay elements, enhancing the player experience.

The community’s ideas showcased a mix of enthusiasm for potential improvements and constructive criticism towards balancing in-game mechanics. By exploring innovative uses for existing resources, players aim to enhance the gameplay experience and foster longevity in Destiny 2.