Destiny 2: Iron Banana Drama Unraveled!

Solo players in Destiny 2 Iron Banner are struggling with tough matches, brutal team shots, and frustrating spawns.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, Iron Banner is notorious for its intense competition and high-stakes matches. Lately, solo players have been facing a tough time in the Iron Banana mode, struggling with spawns, teamshots, and unexpected turnarounds. The community is abuzz with discussions and complaints about the challenging nature of the current Iron Banner event.


  • Solo players in Iron Banner are finding themselves at a disadvantage against coordinated teams.
  • The removal of the Freelance option has led to frustrations for solo queue players.
  • The intense competition in Iron Banner is causing mixed reactions among players.

Iron Banner Intensity

The original post by MAmontoya captures the essence of the struggle faced by solo players in Iron Banner. With uneven spawns, brutal team shots, and sudden turnarounds, the mode has become a challenging battleground for those flying solo.

The Freelance Dilemma

Many players, like DingDangDongler, are longing for the return of the Freelance option to avoid facing off against coordinated clans. The absence of this feature has led to frustration and a sense of unfair disadvantage for solo players.

Community Reactions

Opinions vary among the Destiny 2 community regarding the current state of Iron Banner. While some, like hipsnarky, are enjoying the challenge and the changes to special ammo, others, such as higherdotedu, find the mode surprisingly easy due to the influx of casual players.