Destiny 2 Iron Banner Guns: Are They Even Legal?

Check out the uproar over the unbelievably low range on these Iron Banner guns in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are up in arms about the ridiculously low range stats on Iron Banner guns. How could Bungie let this happen? Let’s dive into the Reddit post and comments to see the outrage!


  • Players are shocked by the 0 range stats on Iron Banner guns
  • Some find humor in the situation, calling them melee weapons
  • Others share funny anecdotes about using guns with abysmal range

Players’ Outrage

Destiny 2 fans are expressing their disbelief over the abysmally low range stats found on Iron Banner guns. User toenaileater666 started the conversation, questioning how such guns could be legal in the game. The sentiment among players is a mix of frustration and amusement, with many wondering how Bungie could allow guns with 0 range to exist. User Gjappy even joked that the bullets on a zero-range gun either drop straight to the floor or it’s meant as a melee weapon—quite the absurd scenario in a shooter game.

Different Perspectives

User ImallOutOfBubbleGums offered a different perspective, noting that 0 range is not zero but rather the lowest range for that frame. This led to a debate among players on what exactly constitutes zero range and how it affects gameplay. User LoneRubber shared a comical anecdote about using a gun with 0 stability and max range, highlighting the hilarity in trying to control such a weapon.

Finding the Humor

Despite the frustration expressed by many players, some found humor in the situation. User Paracausality humorously commented that one must place the barrel against the temple to do damage, highlighting the extreme measures one might need to take to make these guns viable in combat. User Fuze-0 simply stated that the guns are funny, perhaps indicating that these outliers in weapon design provide some comedic relief in the game.

Overall, the Destiny 2 community’s reaction to the low range stats on Iron Banner guns is a mix of disbelief, frustration, and amusement. While some question the logic behind such design choices, others find humor in the absurdity of using weapons with virtually no range. Whether these guns will see adjustments in the future remains to be seen, but for now, players are left scratching their heads at how these seemingly illegal guns made it into the game.