Destiny 2 Iron Banner Megathread: A Look at the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Exploring the highs and lows of the Destiny 2 Iron Banner event through the eyes of the Reddit community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2’s Iron Banner event has stirred up quite the chatter on Reddit. Guardians are excited, frustrated, and everything in between as they delve into the crucible battles. Let’s dive into the subreddit to see what the community has to say.


  • Guardians express both excitement and frustration about the Iron Banner event
  • Issues with gameplay balance and matchmaking are hot topics
  • Players are sharing their strategies and seeking advice on meta builds
  • Some players are experiencing bugs and glitches affecting their gameplay

The Good

“I love getting into a game where none of the character models load so I can’t see anyone. Great job Bungie!” shared Sephiroth007 sarcastically, highlighting a frustrating glitch players are encountering.

The Bad

“Removing the solo queue is such a braindead, idiot move by Bungie. Way to ruin IB for the solo players,” criticized ZavalasBaldHead, lamenting the changes impacting solo players.

The Ugly

“PvP is so laughably bad, special crates are so bad it’s funny,” expressed fvckstra, showcasing disappointment with the state of PvP in Iron Banner.

Guardians are voicing their opinions loud and clear, showcasing a mix of excitement, frustration, and disappointment with the Iron Banner event in Destiny 2. Whether it’s praising the challenge or lamenting the bugs, players are engaging in heated discussions as they continue their journey in the crucible.