Destiny 2: Luzaku’s Rise to Fame in the Subreddit Community

Explore the Destiny 2 subreddit buzz surrounding Luzaku, a character stirring up conversations and ideas among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

When Luzaku entered the Destiny 2 scene, the subreddit ignited with speculation and excitement about her potential role in the game’s future.


  • Fans are eager for Luzaku to have a more significant role, from being an announcer to participating in in-game events like Iron Banner.
  • Players are enthusiastic about the idea of experiencing more diverse character representations within the game, such as hive representatives.

The Spaghetti Conspiracy

Tiger_katsune sparked a hilarious discussion, with CubisticWings4 chiming in with a spaghetti-related riot threat if Luzaku doesn’t make the cut. The Destiny 2 community sure takes their pasta seriously!

Guardian Games Drama

MissusJzzb proposed an intriguing theory that Luzaku’s class choice could impact the next Guardian Games, adding an extra layer of mystery and competition for players to ponder.

Cookies for Luzaku

spyker54 raised the stakes by suggesting a riot if Luzaku doesn’t receive the gift of cookies during the Dawning event. Destiny 2 fans are clearly passionate about their fictional characters’ snack preferences!

Necessary_Drama4365 emphasized Luzaku’s potential as a game announcer, showcasing fans’ desire to see her take on a more prominent role within the game’s lore and events.

The Destiny 2 subreddit is buzzing with ideas and excitement surrounding Luzaku’s potential future in the game. Players are eager to see how Bungie will incorporate this intriguing character and the hive faction into future content, sparking lively discussions and humorous exchanges within the community. As fans eagerly anticipate what’s next for Destiny 2, Luzaku’s presence continues to stir up excitement and speculation, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the game’s evolving narrative.