Destiny 2: Matchmade Overthrow Drama Unveiled – What’s the Real Issue?

The chaos in matchmade overthrows has Destiny 2 players divided. Is the loot worth the drama?

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the world of Destiny 2, the subreddit buzzes with discussions around matchmade overthrows. Users are divided on the issue revolving around people leaving zones during crucial moments, affecting the overall gameplay experience.


  • Players frustrated with lack of participation in matchmade overthrows
  • Issue stems from players prioritizing personal goals over team objectives
  • Some suggest going solo as a solution to the problem

Positive Perspective

Some players find soloing matchmade overthrows efficient, enjoying the freedom to farm chests without waiting for others.

Negative Perspective

Others express discontent with players abandoning team efforts, impacting the speed and success of the encounters.

Community Suggestions

Community members propose incentives for full participation and penalties for abandonment to discourage this behavior.