Destiny 2: Memory of the Witness Bug Still Giving Red Borders Confusion

Exploring Destiny 2 subreddit, uncovering a bug causing red borders despite unlocked patterns.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have recently discovered a puzzling bug regarding the Memory of the Witness that is causing confusion among the community.


  • Players are experiencing red borders on weapons despite having unlocked patterns.
  • Community questions if the issue is a bug or intentional design.
  • The bug appears to be affecting various activities within the game.
  • Players are concerned about potential wasted Memories on already unlocked weapons.
  • Yup, It’s a Bug!

    Destiny 2 players have unanimously agreed that the appearance of red borders on weapons already unlocked is undoubtedly a bug. The discrepancy between in-game displays and Ishtar results has caused frustration among seasoned guardians.

    A Cry for Clarification

    Asking the Destiny 2 team for clarification, players are seeking to understand if this is an intended feature or a genuine bug. The possibility of wasted Memories on weapons players already possess patterns for is a concerning issue that requires immediate attention.

    An Unexpected Oversight

    The apparent oversight in the game’s drop mechanics has led to unexpected outcomes such as acquiring red border weapons for completed patterns. Players are expressing their disappointment over the lack of bad luck protection in these scenarios, especially with guaranteed drops.

    Destiny 2 players are left puzzled by the bug affecting the Memory of the Witness, with many hoping for a swift resolution to prevent further confusion and frustration in the game.