Destiny 2 Needlestorm Fiasco: What the Heck Happened?

A Destiny 2 player is baffled by the outcome of their Needlestorm ability. Is it operator error or a game glitch?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are scratching their heads in confusion over a failed Needlestorm attempt. What could have gone wrong?


  • Needlestorm’s poor targeting leads to frustration.
  • Players speculate on lag issues affecting ability performance.
  • Some find humor in the failed super activation.
  • Disappointment in the lack of effectiveness of the ability.
  • Player Confusion

    Shambony expresses confusion and disappointment as they witness their Needlestorm super only eliminating a single enemy out of a group of five.

    Needlestorm Troubles

    Yawanoc shares a similar experience where Needlestorm seemed to target only one enemy, leaving the player vulnerable to multiple threats.

    Funny Observations

    usermethis finds humor in the situation, pointing out the airborne player’s inability to target enemies on the ground effectively with Needlestorm.

    Lag Speculation

    chargeorge speculates that lag might have played a role in the failed super activation, noting unusual movement patterns post-ability use.