Destiny 2: Nostalgia for Warmind Cells and Explosive Fun

Nostalgia hits hard as Destiny 2 players reminisce about the explosive joy of Warmind cells.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players on Reddit can’t help but reminisce about the explosive joy of Warmind cells and the ka-boom they brought to the game. The nostalgia is real, and players are longing for the days of detonating cells and causing chaos.


  • Warmind cells brought unique and explosive gameplay that players miss
  • Some players feel limited by the current seasonal mods
  • The absence of Warmind cells has left a void in the build diversity

Warmind Cells: A Blast from the Past

Many players fondly remember the era of Warmind cells, where explosions were plentiful, and chaos reigned supreme. The ability to create and detonate cells added a layer of strategy and fun that is sorely missed in the current state of Destiny 2.

Nostalgia for Explosive Builds

Players express their longing for the dopamine rush brought by Warmind cells, reminiscing about the sheer joy of causing havoc with explosive gameplay. The current emphasis on gunplay has left some feeling that the game has lost its explosive touch.

Lamenting the Limitations

While Warmind cells were beloved for their gameplay impact, some players acknowledge the limitations they posed in terms of weapon choice. The lack of diversity in generating cells left players feeling restricted and longing for more options in their builds.