Destiny 2: Not One of These is Osmio + Star Eater

Guardians share their struggles and hopes for the perfect exotic class item in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardian Johniandoe777 is seeking thoughts and prayers for their Destiny 2 journey. They express their quest for the elusive Osmio + Star Eater.


  • Keeping the grind alive for the perfect exotic class item is a shared experience among Destiny 2 players.
  • Guardians offer support and commiserate over the struggle of obtaining specific rolls.
  • The desire for unique builds and playstyles drives players’ pursuits in the game.

Why Osmio + Star Eater?

Guardians question the choice of Osmio + Star Eater over other popular combinations like Apotheosis + Star Eater, sparking discussions on different strategies and preferences.

Persistence Pays Off

Players recount their own trials and tribulations in the pursuit of the perfect exotic class item, highlighting the perseverance and dedication required in Destiny 2.

Variety and Fun Builds

Some players share their excitement for experimenting with new builds, showcasing the creative and diverse approaches to gameplay within the community.